Parent Information/Calendar


2024-2025 Calendar

FY25 school calendar

MN Health Care Programs

Click “Learn More” to the right for information on how to obtain an application for MN health care programs: LEARN MORE

Wright County’s Children’s Mental Health Resource: LEARN MORE

Lead in Drinking Water testing

SRMCS has conducted, Lead in Drinking Water testing per the Minnesota Department of Health and Education’s “Reducing Lead in Drinking Water:  A Technical Guidance and Model Plan for Minnesota’s Public Schools” recommendations. Please click here to read the lead testing plan

MN Statute 121A.335 requires public school buildings serving kindergarten through grade 12 to test for lead in potable water sources every five years, and to make results of these tests available. Testing results are available upon request.

Lead testing parent letter

Lead in water results

Parent/Student information

Parent & Student Handbook 204-2025

24-25 Testing Schedule