Kindergarten – 6th

Form for 2025-2026 Enrollment Lottery

Click HERE for the Enrollment Form for the 2025-2026 school year. 

Applications for the 25-26 school year will be accepted during a two week window in January 2025 to be entered into the lottery. The lottery will be held in early February 2025. For more detailed information about the lottery, scroll down to the lottery section further below.

Form for 2024-2025 Enrollment- DO NOT USE FOR 25-26 LOTTERY:

Click HERE for the Enrollment Form for the 2024-2025 school year. This is an online form FOR THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR. This form is NOT for the 2025-2026 lottery and filling it out will NOT enter your child into the lottery.

All of our classrooms are currently full and a waitlist has been started for each grade level. Fill out the online application for EACH child you wish to add to the waiting list. If a spot opens up, we will contact families via the email and phone numbers provided on the application.

For questions about our school and programs contact our enrollment coordinator, Amy Jensen, at [email protected] or our office at 763-271-7926

General Statement of Policy

The SRMCS Board of Directors wants to maximize the opportunity for families while insuring a quality Montessori education for enrolled students. This policy addresses the terms and conditions of student admissions at SRMCS.

SRMCS shall be open to any child who is eligible under the laws of the State of Minnesota for admission to a public school. SRMCS shall ensure compliance with all applicable anti-discrimination laws governing public schools, including Minnesota Statute 124D.10.

School Tours

SRMCS offers after school tours of its facilities and programs for interested families. Group tours are given September-May twice a month on select days starting at 4 pm. Summer tours are given on select days and times based on staff availability.

Please fill out the group tour sign up form below to indicate which tour you will be joining, the level you are interested in and who will be on the tour. Children are welcome to come along. Please keep in mind Montessori classrooms have a lot of materials on shelves throughout the room, so our youngest visitors should be closely attended to during the tour.

CLICK HERE for the Swan River Montessori Group Tour Sign Up Form

Our upcoming group tours are at 4:00 PM on the following dates:

Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 4 PM

Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 4 PM

Monday, April 14, 2025 at 4 PM

Note: Montessori philosophy believes in providing children a peaceful environment with minimal external distractions.  With the exception of the classroom staff, adult presence is very limited during the school day.  No tours are given during the school day.

Admission Requirement & Enrollment Procedures

Applications for openings will be drawn via lottery.  After open spots are filled a waitlist will be created based from the lottery drawing. Any additional applications received after the lottery drawing will be added to the bottom of the waiting list in the order in which they are received.  For inquiries about your child’s place on the waitlist, please contact our enrollment coordinator at the email at the top of this page.

As per MN state statute, every child must be age 5 by September 1st of the current school year to enter Kindergarten.  SRMCS’s kindergarten program is full-day, every day and all elementary levels are free of all tuition charges.

The classroom or program level enrollment sizes may only be changed under special circumstances and at the discretion of the School Director and grade level team.

2025-2026 Lottery for Enrollment

Applications for the 2025-2026 school year must be received between January 2-16, 2025 in order to be part of the lottery.  Any submissions received after 4:00 pm on January 16th will not be part of the lottery and be placed on the bottom of the appropriate grade level waiting list. Click on the link at the very top of this page to access the 25-26 enrollment application form.

If the number of applications exceeds the number of openings then students shall be accepted by lot.

Should a lottery for enrollment be necessary for the 2025-2026 school year, you will receive a random number no later than Friday, January 31, 2025.

The lottery will take place at 10:00 am on Thursday, February 6, 2025 in the SRMCS Gathering Space.  The lottery is open to the public. The results will be posted on this webpage by 4 pm on Feb. 6.

Admission into the Early Childhood program cannot, according to Minnesota law, guarantee admission the charter school program.

Waiting lists are created in the order drawn in the lottery. After conclusion of the drawings, SRMCS shall add to the waiting lists on a first-come first-serve basis. These waiting lists are used to fill subsequent openings.

When an opening occurs during the school year, the School Director will consider all preferences as stated above as well as the grade level makeup of the classroom with the opening when determining which grade wait list to use in filling the opening.

To read these procedures in their entirety, please see the Application and Enrollment Procedures Policy below.

Sibling Preference for Already Enrolled Students and Sibling Preference Lottery

Preference for enrollment shall be given to a sibling of an enrolled pupil, to a foster child of that student’s parents, and a staff member’s child before accepting students by lot. If the number of siblings seeking enrollment exceeds the available spots, a sibling preference lottery will be conducted prior to the lottery for applications that do not have a sibling already enrolled. The remaining sibling preference applications will also be placed by lot on the waiting list ahead of the non-sibling preference applications. Contact the office for the 2025-2026 Sibling Preference Enrollment Application. This is a paper form and not the same as the online form linked other places on this website.


Jan. 2-16: Application Acceptance Period. Note- applications received after 4 PM on Jan. 16 will NOT be in the lottery and placed at the bottom of a waiting list once it is created.

Jan. 31: Lottery Numbers sent by this date

Feb. 6: Lottery to fill open spots and/or create waiting list at 10 AM, results posted on website by 4 PM

Swan River Montessori Charter School Program welcomes students of any race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, status with regard to public assistance, sex, and sexual orientation.

Application and Enrollment Procedures Policy