Early Childhood

Early Childhood Admissions

Click HERE for the Early Childhood Enrollment Application. For questions about our school and our programs, please contact our enrollment coordinator, Amy Jensen, at [email protected] or the school office at 763-271-7926.

Tuition for 2024-2025 school year is $725 per month.

Swan River Montessori begins accepting enrollment applications for the Early Childhood Program for the following school year upon our return from winter break in January.  If you wish to apply for the 2025-2026 school year, applications will be accepted as of January 2, 2025 starting at 8:30 a.m.

Enrollment is completed by taking into consideration the child’s age and gender to ensure equality and balance within each classroom. Once enrollment capacity is reached, a waiting list is created. If a slot becomes available at any time before or during the school year, the School Director, or designee, will call and email the first family on the waiting list and so forth until the slot is filled. Please note that while SRMCS generally keeps to the waiting list as it is formed, we reserve the right to fill any available slot with any student based on the make up of the classroom.

Early childhood families will be notified via mail of official enrollment after SRMCS holds its lottery for charter school (k-6th) enrollment. If you do not recieve a letter, you have been placed on the waiting list. Please watch the web site (Kindergarten-6th Admissions page) or call our main office at (763) 271-7926 for the lottery date as it changes from year to year.

Click HERE to access the Early Childhood Application.

Important Notes:

**Enrollment applications are valid for one school year. If your family remains on the waiting list and you wish to enroll the following year, a new application must be submitted.

**Enrollment in the fee-based Early Childhood Program CANNOT, according to Minnesota law, guarantee admission to the charter school program(s).

**SRMCS does not have summer care or offer care on non-student contact days during the school year. These are days such as teacher workshop days, parent teacher conferences, and breaks.

School Tours

SRMCS offers after school tours of its facilities and programs for interested families. Group tours are given September-May about twice a month on select days starting at 4 pm. Summer tours are given on select days and times based on staff availabilty.

Please fill out the tour request form below to indicate which tour you will be joining, the level you are interested in and who will be on the tour. Children are welcome to come along. Please keep in mind Montessori classrooms have a lot of materials on shelves throughout the room, so our youngest visitors should be closely attended to during the tour.

CLICK HERE for the Swan River Montessori Group Tour Sign Up Form

Our upcoming group tours are on:

Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 4 PM

Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 4 PM

Monday, April 14, 2025 at 4 PM

Note: Montessori philosophy believes in providing children a peaceful environment with minimal external distractions.  With the exception of the classroom staff, adult presence is very limited during the school day.  No tours are given during the school day.

Trial Period

The first 30 days of a child’s enrollment in the Early Childhood program are considered a trial period. Within those 30 days either the school or the parents may choose to withdraw the child from the program and all tuition payments will be prorated. In order to maintain an authentic Montessori environment that will allow all children to be successful, we retain the right to withdraw any student at any time. Before dismissal there would be an initial conference between the teacher and the parents to set up an action plan. After a time specified in the initial conference, the progress would be reviewed and a proper course of action would be determined.

Tuition Due Date

Full tuition is due on the 1st day of the month, unless prior arrangements have been made. Swan River Montessori Charter School reserves the right to assess a 10% charge on any past due balances. Any payment more than one month late, may result in the disenrollment of the child from the program. The Board of Directors reserves the right to pursue legal means to secure payments on delinquent accounts and further reserves the right to include any collection costs and attorney fees in the unpaid balance.

Should your family experience unusual and unpredictable financial hardships, please consult with the School Director as soon as possible. It is the Board of Directors policy to make every effort to assist families to make arrangements for payments.

Non-Profit School

Swan River Montessori Charter School operates as a Minnesota non-profit corporation. All proceeds from the Early Childhood Children’s House Program are utilized to support the educational program, including teacher salaries, facilities upkeep, and utilities.

Click HERE to access the Early Childhood Application.

Swan River Montessori Children’s House Program welcomes students of any race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, status with regard to public assistance, sex, and sexual orientation.